The Rejected Mate-Naomi Jord

The Rejected Mate-Naomi Jord

Author:Naomi Jordan



"his grey eyes had more darkness than any black eyes she had ever seen." She was shy She was kind She was quiet She went unheeded He was merciless He was cruel He was captivating He was the storm The first time he set his eyes on her he regarded her with a blank look, and the second time he uttered the words that would crush her world . "I Damien Blackwood, Future Alpha of Midnight Moon Pack Reject you Serenity Martins as my mate and future Luna" he says with a blank look. Serenity Martins a curvy she-wolf , who had a crush on her future Alpha Damien Blackwood , when she finds out that he is her mate but loves someone else; her human best friend. So what happens when Serenity goes back after 3 years for her best friend's wedding, her past is catching up to her.. something she has never told anyone, a bit of jealousy, rage, and a surprise in the form of a little bundle of joy.
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*Ring Ring*

I woke up to the sound of the annoying ringing of my phone, which was threatening to ruin my blissful sleep. Groaning in my sleep, I try to reach for my phone and when I got a hold of it, I press the answer button blindly and I hear the person on the other side talking like a car travelling at 100km/h.

My sleep induced mind couldn't comprehend their rushed and excited words. I was tempted to just cut the call since I was already dozing off. Half conscious, it takes me a good few seconds to understand two things, that:—


The caller is my best friend of 4 years.


She is screaming.

I look at the alarm clock, that I kept on my nightstand, and my eyes widen incredulously when I see the time.

"Jesus Christ woman! Why are you screaming? It is four freaking am in the morning." I ask Courtney, my best friend, with disbelief lacing my tone. We have known each other ever since we were fourteen. She is the Beta's daughter and me, being the adopted daughter of the Gamma's, our fathers are all close friends along with the Alpha's Family.

"I need you to come back" she answered.

"What? Why??" I don't know why she wants me to come back, when she knows why I left in the first place. She was also helped me to leave.

"Well, first of all, because I'm getting married and secondly, you're the maid of honor, sweetie. So of course I need you to come back and everyone here misses you so bad. Honestly, it's been what? Like three years now? I think it's about time you come back home, I miss my best friend." She whispers the last part. Sadness laces her voice making me feel guilty.

I inhale a deep breath. Knowing that leaving the pack hurt not only myself, but her and my family. It would've hurt more, if I had stayed and watched my own downfall. I clear my throat, trying to push away the guilt and the sudden pang in my chest away.

"I don't know Court, it's been too long and I don't think I can handle—" I'm cut off by Courtney.

"You know damn well that you're one of the strongest she—wolf I've ever seen in my life Serenity. You could just ignore him and you can also bring Matthew with you." I could picture her wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me on the last part. Honestly, I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't come into my life. She knows when I start doubting myself and she reminds me that I'm worth so much more.

I release a sigh and say "Okay"

Regretting saying yes instantly, when I hear her squealing and scream on the other line, I pull the phone away from my ear before she decides to scream like a banshee again.

This girl has too much energy this early in the morning.

"Oh God, I hope I don't burst my ear drums", I think to myself.

My thoughts are cut—off by Courtney saying "Well it's fixed then. You should be here by Wednesday and the wedding is in two weeks. We have a lot of preparations left to do and you better not be late." She threatens.

I gulp hearing the warning in her words. She might look like an angel, but she's a little firecracker. No wonder my brother is whipped.

"Okay, I'll be there bridezilla." I mock her.

I hear voices in the background. Someone was talking and Courtney saying "Okay. I've got to go. Bye. Love you".

"I love you too Court." I'm met with the beeping sound, reminding me that she had hung up. It seems like she's already busy with the preparations.

I sigh. It's been a long time since I've spoken to Courtney and my family back home. Talking to them brings back memories of him and what I could've had. It's useless thinking about it now.

I had been there to see it all and endure the pain of seeing my mate getting married to my other best friend. I was angry and sad for the most part, but I couldn't blame Emily. She was oblivious to the fact that he was my mate and since she is a human, she will never have a mate of her own.


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