Aztec's Luna

Aztec's Luna

Author:Manogyna Marthi



I heard him roar like the beast that he truly is. His skin was turning into fur, his canes expanded, and his claws extended on both his hands and legs. His eyes turn pitch black. After some time, everything calmed down and I felt a soft breath on my face. By smelling the scent I know it's him in his human form. "You are my desire and my only hope to shed away this guilty birth of a werewolf." He grunted pushing me to the wall and holding my cheek tight between his fingers. Bending his head he traced a line with his tongue from the back of my ear to my jaw line and bit me on my neck. "I marked you as mine. Now no one is going to touch you." He made a deathly roar. I look at him in trepid and he whispers softly in my ears after kissing my cheek. "MY HEART CRAVES FOR YOU. MARRY ME, ALEXA SULLIVAN.
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Long back in 15th century King Amigo who was a very kind and benevolent ruled the ancient land of Persia. He was a brave warrior and protected his people like his own children and so his subjects were very happy with him. King Amigo and Queen Osaka were bestowed with everything on earth by God except for one - the need of a heir. As the days passed by he was becoming old and King Amigo got more depressed. He and his wife made so many prayers to God and did a lot of charity but their wishes weren't fulfilled.

One day the Moon God appeared before King Amigo and gave him a silver bowl filled with fruit pudding. King Amigo according to the instructions of Moon God asked his wife to partake the delicious sweet and within next nine months Queen Osaka gave birth to a very beautiful green eyed baby Prince Alexander.

Alexander grew up to be a handsome and charming prince of Persia. He was benign and altruistic just like his father. Young Alexander always had a fondness for hunting and accompanied his father while he was small. One day after he grew up when Prince Alexander went for hunting, he heard a deep painful roar of someone supernatural.

In disquietude he sprinted in his steps towards the painful roar. In front of him was a werewolf injured by his arrow. He couldn't heal himself because he was old and weak. As soon as the aged werewolf's eyes met with Alexander he bit him and cursed. "Young Prince, I see you are too proud of your allure and valor. Within the next few minutes all your beauty will be lost and you will become A WEREWOLF. You will conquer the world becoming heartless and cold. Your enemies will shiver recalling your name, you will have everything under the Sun yet, you will have no peace. Every day you will close your eyes with an ache in your heart of unfulfillment and lead a life of aloofness with no one to call as yours. DIE A DEATH OF A WEREWOLF FOR YOUR NEXT THOUSAND BIRTHS TO COME, YOUNG PRINCE."


Beside the dead body of werewolf Prince Alexander succumbed to the floor holding his head and lamenting for his dreadful fate. Suddenly there was a huge storm. The leaves began to scatter everywhere in the thick forest. The trees shook with force from the power of the untimely gale.

It was a full moon day. The moon which was shining beautiful in the night sky suddenly disappeared and the sky became completely dark but the weather didn't feel like it was about to rain. "What's this ghastly haunter of nature?" Alexander thought.

He suspected something unnatural and horrendous about to happen. Alexander wondered... Was it a spell of some supernatural power? But he wasn't coward or a poltroon. He was a very attractive young and charming prince with valor. He looked around bringing out his sword tucked to his waist band ready to fight his enemy or rather the owner of the sorcery.

Suddenly everything stilled and the weather appeared like normal before. The moon shone brightly above his head with its rays illuminating his face. Alexander held his hand to cover his face obstructing the occult rays of the moon and looked towards the sky.

Then he heard a mystical tone, a voice from the sky. "Oh dauntless Prince Alexander, do not worry about the curse of the old werewolf. You are born from the boon of the moon - the son of the moon. Though I cannot lift your curse completely, I'm the mystic power to give you a blessing."

It appeared like the world came to a stand-still hearing the eloquent celestial voice. Alexander looked around the astonishing stillness in the forest but the rays from the moon continue to shine bright on his head and a few seconds later a bleak sketch of a supernormal figure appeared in the sky.

In a trance Alexander looked up entranced in the devotion of the heavenly figure when the voice came again. "Your curse will be lifted by beautiful young girl who will be a human. But remember you shouldn't reveal your identity to her until you are confident she is in love with you. Else, your curse will continue for another hundred years." Alexander became more devastated when he heard the words of the superpower.

When he was immersed in his agony the power spoke again. "You will meet the girl on a full moon day and the girl will see you in your werewolf and also human form but do not worry. She will faint as soon as she sees your supernatural entity and will not remember anything when she wakes up again. That's the boon I am granting to you. Within twenty four full moons you need to marry her and beget human children from her. Then on the twenty fifth full moon day you will be relieved of your curse."

"How do I recognize her?" Before the question fell out of Alexander's stance the voice spoke again. "The girl will appear deserted and in rags before you but she will be the most beautiful girl taking birth on earth. In your werewolf form you are named Aztec but the girl's name would be related to the name in your human form." That's how you would recognize her.

"What would be the name of the girl?" Alexander wondered.


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