




Daisy wasn't your average girl. She was a trained killer. Give her a target and she could come up with multiple ways to end the target's life. After a failed escape attempt from the world she grew up in she has to get used to being back to the world of training, guns and death. Throw in a boy or two that both drive Daisy mental, a sarcastic attitude, lots of drama and a mission that may turn Daisy back into the assassin she used to be and you've got a pretty hectic story.
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"She's shy," Brooke shrugged, glancing at Indianna who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in the classroom.

"Well, come on, I don't bite," Greyson urged and Indianna stiffened, just like before.

"Don't talk about that," Indianna said, her voice was still quiet but it was firm.

"Struck a nerve have I?" Greyson wondered and smirked. "Somebody likes it kinky."

Indianna Hughs had always been the quiet one; the shy one. She was always the one that stayed in the background. She blended in, never got noticed. She liked it like that. So when she's forced to move schools, she is not happy. Everyone notices a new kid, she didn't want that attention. Especially not from Mr Bad Boy who seemed to be very interested in her.

"You'll be fine," her mother said and waved her hand dismissively at her. "Just be social and make friends!"

"Social," Indiana muttered and grabbed her bag from the back seat. "Sure." She climbed out of the car, ignoring her mother's happy wave goodbye. She slammed the door behind her and looked up at the brick building in front of her. It was simple. Large stone steps led up to large double doors that were flooded with many students, laughing and talking to their friends.

The students noticed Indianna.

She groaned quietly and swung her rucksack over her shoulder. She lowered her gaze as she walked up the steps that led to the school and didn't look up as she walked through the bustling corridors. She thought that if she couldn't see anyone, that maybe they couldn't see her either.

She knew she was being stupid.

The town she and her mother had moved to wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. Not everyone knew each other personally, but they would recognise a new face from a mile away. This made Indianna's anxiety rise. She hated being noticed. She was most definitely an introvert. Indianna clutched her hands tighter around the strap of her rucksack and carried on down the corridor. She had come to the school a few days before and the Principle had shown her around, but she could only remember how to get to her locker. She fumbled with the lock and hurriedly grabbed the textbooks that were stacked neatly inside, stuffing them into her rucksack.

Indianna hated that she could feel everyone's curious stares on her. She hated that she stood out. She swallowed nervously and looked at the crumpled piece of paper in her hands. She scanned the timetable and saw that her first lesson was history. After stuffing her timetable back into her pocket she braced herself and walked down the busy corridors, hoping to find her class.

Indianna let out a sigh of relief when she found the classroom. It was relatively empty so she made a beeline straight to the back of the class. Now there were no eyes on her she let her shoulders relax and she leaned back in her chair. One year, she told herself. She had to survive for one year in this new town and then she was free. She would graduate and be able to go wherever she pleased.

"Hi!" Indianna's heart jumped in her chest when a blonde, curly-haired girl appeared next to her. She was smiling brightly and had kind eyes. "You're Indianna, aren't you? Indiannna Hughs? You've moved to town with your mother, right?"

Indianna stared at the blonde girl with wide eyes. She wanted to go unnoticed, but this girl definitely seemed to know her. Indianna didn't know how to respond.

"Sorry," the girl apologised and sat down next to Indianna. "I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought I'd introduce myself, I know everyone in town. I'm Brooke!"

Indiana nodded and looked at her hands that were resting on the desk. She picked at her chipped black nail varnish and hoped this girl would go away. She wasn't good with people. She'd rather be left alone.

Brooke blinked and waited for Indianna to speak. She frowned when Indianna said nothing. "Not a people person?" She wondered. "That's okay, people would argue that I can talk enough for two people."

Indianna's eyes flickered to Brooke and back to her hands.

"You can talk to me, I promise I don't bite," Brooke said kindly.

Indianna stiffened and shook her head. "No," she whispered. Her voice was gentle and soft.

Brooke frowned. "No?"

"Don't talk about that, please," Indianna said.

"Talk about what?" Brooke asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Biting," Indianna muttered. Brooke noticed how she grabbed her wrist, her eyes flashing with panic.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I'll shut up now," Brooke said quickly and she looked up when a guy walked up to them. He had the same blond curly hair as Brooke and matching brown eyes.

"Brooke, you're not terrorising the new girl, are you?" He teased, smiling at Brooke.

"No!" Brooke gasped and hit his arm. "Well, not purposely. Indianna, this is Brandon, my cousin. Bran, meet Indianna Hughs."

"Hi," Brandon said warmly. "It's nice to meet you, Indianna."

Indianna swallowed and looked up at him, forcing a smile. "Hello."

"She's a little shy," Brooke said.

"After a few minutes with you I'm sure that'll change," Brandon laughed.

Indianna looked up at the clock on the wall and she groaned internally, less than ten minutes of the lesson had passed. If the year was going to pass as slowly as this she didn't know how she was going to survive.

Indianna frowned when Brooke sighed. "Oh, great," she said as the classroom door opened and three guys walked in. Brooke made an effort to slouch down in her seat and avoid eye contact. Brandon glared at them.


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