Mated to the Cursed Prince

Mated to the Cursed Prince




[Warning: Mature Content] The world is aware of creatures that lurk in the dark—at least quite a number of them are. Following the most devastating battle the planet experienced in its history decades ago, rules were set up to keep the supernatural and humanity as a whole at peace. It is one that compels all mythological beings to conceal their presence - an act designed to prevent the masses from being overwhelmed by the knowledge of the magical world. But, as we all know, secrets do not remain hidden forever. What happens when a girl who has always been fascinated by the idea of paranormal entities learns they aren't legends? The unexpected happens right when she is digesting this surprising reality. Her life takes a sharp turn, and everything she previously knew is turned upside down.
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A small figure curled up in a queen-sized wooden bed that could be seen inside a dimly lit room where the only source of light was the gentle rays of sunlight reflecting through the tiny space that the thick and vintage curtains hung on the double door window missed covering.

Her fiery mid-waist hair was strewn across the soft pillows—a stark contrast to the grey cotton linens.

She let out a low groan as she slowly awoke from her deep slumber. Her heart was pounding as though she carried the weight of the entire world on her shoulders.

Genova's groggy, sapphire blue eyes took a moment of adjustment to realize she was back in her bedroom. A slight frown graced her smooth and youthful brow as she wondered if the events of the day before were all in her head?!

Could she have merely dreamt of all that happened on her sixteenth birthday?

She shook her head to organize her thoughts, but the pounding in her head was too loud to ignore. Her reasoning and focus were becoming erratic as a result.

She had migraines on a regular basis, but never to this extent. And she was certain it had something to do with last night. Her mind couldn't have made up all of that!

'How did I get home, though?' She was perplexed.

'I think I made it back before I completely blacked out!'

Or perhaps, the dreadful experience on her sixteenth birthday was indeed just her imagination. Otherwise, how else could she explain how she had managed to get out unscathed from a situation that almost ruined her life?

Genova hoped her parents went to bed early because she didn't want them worrying about her any more than they already were.

A sad sigh left her throat as she slowly yet gingerly crawled out of bed. So much for her much-anticipated 16th birthday celebration, which of course, was a complete flop.

Thank God, there wasn't much damage! But why was her memory so disorganized? Why is it that she can't remember anything after she blacked out?

Genova made a mental note to stay away from pubs at all costs. She didn't want the same thing to happen again in the future. For the time being, she will push back all the negativity that her dream/last night's deed had instilled in her and concentrate on the life that lies ahead of her.

Genova was overjoyed because it was Sunday. That being the case, she should try to get a little more sleep because her body was begging for it.

She looked at the time on the nightstand and realized it was still early. The antic golden alarm clock she'd received from her father for her fifteenth birthday and had kept beside her bed since then showed it was only 6:58 a.m.

There was no need for an early rise today because she wasn't required to be at work or school. The advantage of weekends!

With that, she laid down and soon drifted back to sleep.

It was 11:25 am when her eyes fluttered open again.

Her eyes fluttered open again at 11:25 a.m.

And with the burning sensation in her stomach, she knew she needed to eat something quickly before it got worse. She was starving!

Her previous throbbing headache had also subsided significantly, much to her relief. So Genova got up, showered, and went downstairs for brunch.

When Genova entered, her mother Mary was sitting alone on the kitchen couch with a cup of tea in front of her.

"Good morning, honey!" Mary smiled warmly at her daughter.

"Good morning, mom!" Genova smiled back and leaned in to kiss her mother on the cheek. "I hope you got a good night's sleep?" She added as she drew away from the older woman.


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