Azian Prince of Dragons #2: Mated To The Golden Dragon

Azian Prince of Dragons #2: Mated To The Golden Dragon

Author:Mckayla Chinyama Queen



Azian Prince of Dragons #2: Mated To The Golden Dragon After her parent's divorce, Kaya Reneé Joston moves to the small town of Torent. Spending her final year at Rodney high, all she wants to do is a cruise through the year unknown, whilst keeping a large distance away from her father and his new stepfamily. She believes she may survive this year as she already has a friend, but of course, that takes a turn for the worst when she meets Azian, a boy with changing eye colors who seems way too beautiful to be human and keeps running into a clear-eyed phone thief who calls her his Esteraiï. All she wants to do is survive this awful year away from her mother but how can she when gorgeous blue-eyed Azian haunts her very realistic dreams, with his alluring golden eyes, a step-sister who has everything she's ever dreamed of, and an annoying thief who keeps finding a way into her closed heart. One thing is for sure, there is something mysterious happening in Torent. A mystery only she can uncover. ****** Azian Prince of Dragons #1 The king of Dragons has come. Ten thousand years have past since the Megalos machi (great battle) between the Dragon kind and the remnants of The Level World. The dragon kind have long been proved extinct and the world has moved on into a new age. However deep in the Ignere forest they awake, they breed, they learn to fight, growing by the thousands waiting for the birth of their prince. A golden dragon. Heir to the throne. At his birth the nations will fall. No one could stand against him..well that's until he is taken and led far away from this world to ours. Here he discovers he is the most powerful being in the universe..however, he is at the mercy of one thing. A human. His mate. book 1 in the trilogy
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The gentle wind lifted up the beautiful dark blue curtains of the large window, allowing them to lift and gently sway in the wind. The woman who stood before it sighed, opening the large double doors walking toward the balcony, glancing over the suburban town she was in. she watched the light traffic in the streets below, normal people going about their day. 

          “fragile little humans,” She muttered underneath her breath, turning away. Her large purple gown swirled behind her as she made her way towards the sofa. 

Lifting her long pretty legs up onto the sofa, she laid down, eyes studying the cream colored ceiling,running her long fingers through her purple hair. She bit her lip, reaching for a hand mirror bringing it toward her face revealing beauty resigned in its prime definition. Soft blood red lips, paired with mystic green eyes,

       “perfection,” she whispered eyeing all that was reflecting.

After a moment she sighed, swinging her perfect legs over the side of the chair. Her toes wiggling in the soft carpet, chuckling to herself. She deserved all of this. It was her hard work and hers alone that had brought her to this very moment. Her gown sagged from her shoulders but she didn’t mind, reaching down to her ankle, rubbing the sudden growing ache that had developed. She suddenly sat up, rolling her eyes as the balcony curtains lifted and a strong wind blew in.


                "Alec,” she hissed, “must you always arrive uninvited?" She asked her gaze stuck on the empty balcony. A figure stepped out of what seemed like thin air, a smart black suit adorned his body, his dark eyes and pitch black hair, swayed in the wind. Alec gave her wicked smirk, his fangs already out as he licked his lips taking her appearance in,

            "Hello Stephania" 

She lifted her hand up and a thick robe flew into it. She covered herself up, flipping her luscious hair back effortlessly as she eyed him, standing up.

              "I see this realm is doing you a lot of good" Alec began glancing around. His posture was impeccable, towering over everything. A grim dark aura surrounding him.

                      "What can I say? I work hard" she replied with a slight shrug, sweeping her gaze across the room with a smirk of her own.

The Vampire super sped toward her so suddenly her breath hitched at the feel of dead cold hands grasping her neck and pulling her in,

                 "Who did you bewitch now witch?" He whispered lowly, trailing his fans across her bottom jaws.

She held her position firmly although her breathing rate had increased, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

His sharp gaze landed on a picture hanging by the wall, of a human man with his arms around a young girl. He chuckled at the sight, pulling back,

                   “poor fool.”

Stephania glared at him, rubbing her neck,

             "Is it too much to ask you to be be civil for once?" she spat.

He turned away from her studying the villa,

               “oh my dear Stephania, I would, if I was capable of it,” He turned back to face her, "how is my daughter?" 

Stephania sat down on the sofa, crossing her long legs, aware of his eyes following her movement. She played with her fingernails poshly as she replied,

                             "Fine, the girl is fine, not that you care,” she added looking up at him before sighing, “she is adjusting well to this new arrangement just as long as she has all the Gucci and Versace this tiny human realm has to offer, she's happy" she explained in an uninterested tone, her fingers trailing the outline of the cushion beside her.

                 " I suppose that's something she has in common with her whore of a mother" Alec casually replied.

Stephania shot him a glare and he chuckled,


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