His little wolf

His little wolf

Author:Becky j



The little wolf series Bethany is 14 years old and a warrior's daughter at the moonshine pack. Her life is perfect until that one night that turns her world upside down. Rogues attack her pack leaving her alone to look after herself and her 6-month-old niece Bella. She manages to get away from the pack safely but for how long? There's someone that wants Bethany as his mate and he is willing to go to extreme lengths to get her. As soon as Bethany thinks she is safe, she's proven wrong time and time again. How will she get away from the darkness that is lurking? Will she be forced to be someone's mate or is there anyone out there that can save her? The Little Wolf series recommended reading order Loved by the Gamma ~ Jack and Ashley's story His little wolf ~ Liam and Bethany's story
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"Bethany, Beth wake up baby!"

"Momma, what's wrong?"

"Rogues, we're under attack. I need you to take Bella to the safe room and don't come out until I

come and get you, ok? Promise me you won't come out until it's safe Beth!"

"Ok momma, I won't I promise!"

"Good girl, now run and don't stop, protect Bella. I love you, Bethany."

"I love you too momma."

I take a sleeping Bella from my mom's arms and run out of my bedroom, down the hallway, down the stairs, through the living room, and finally reach the kitchen. I pop open the door as the growls and pain-filled howls start to get louder and I'm just grateful that Bella is sleeping through all of this.

Finally, we reach the safe room. I lock the door once we're inside and lay Bella on the mattress on the floor. This room has everything we need, there are two mattresses on the floor with blankets and pillows, torches within reach just in case the power goes out or we need to keep the main light off, and a cupboard with drinks and food that doesn't need to be cooked.

There's a small toilet room adjacent to this room, it literally only has a toilet and sink in there but that's all we need. There are two windows high up on the wall, the glass is fogged so no one can see in or out but the light shines through so you can tell if it's day or night.

I've been stuck in this room during attacks before and I can tell you that being able to tell if it's day or night helps a lot especially when you don't have a clue what time it is. The room is soundproofed and the door is made of steel making it harder to break through, not that anyone has tried before thank goddess.

I lay down on the mattress and cuddle into Bella. I'm sure we'll be fine, we're not a big pack, there are only 250 members but we have some very strong warriors and have done well when under attacks before. I can't fight because I don't have my wolf yet, I'll get my wolf when I'm 18 but right now I'm only 14.

Bella is 6 months old, she's my niece, my brother Josh's daughter. He and his mate Harley are warriors so after she was born it was agreed that if there was ever an attack, I would take her to the safe room while they fight. My dad Tom is the top warrior here at moonshine and while my mother Helen isn't a warrior, she is one hell of a fighter. She used to be a warrior but quit, choosing to work in the nursery instead. Josh is the 2nd top male warrior and Harley is the 10th top female warrior.

My older sister Brooke was the 2nd top female warrior here which is a great achievement at 18 years old but she met her mate 3 weeks ago at the annual blue moon ball and moved to his pack 6 hours away to be with him. Calvin is the Alpha of the claw moon pack, he's 20 and seems like a really good Alpha and mate to my sister.

I've not met him yet or anyone from the pack as I can't attend the ball until I'm 18 but we are going there in 1 week for the Luna ceremony and I can't wait. I'm super proud of my sister becoming Luna, she's such a lovely person and I know she'll be a great Luna.

The women, children, and elderly usually go to the safe room at the packhouse but my dad insisted we have one in our basement, so he and Josh build one 5 years ago. It's great because we don't need to go outside when there's a sudden attack but it's not great when I'm here on my own.

Of course, I have Bella but she's just a baby. It can get lonely and scary down here on my own but I always remind myself that my family are out there fighting to keep us safe. The least I can do is suck it up in here for a few hours.

My mind has been working overtime so much that I've given myself a migraine and I know Bella will be up in a couple of hours. I decide to try and get some sleep, I'm never normally able to fall asleep in here I get creeped out.

Between that and worrying about my family and pack sleep is always impossible but this headache isn't shifting so I've got to try so I snuggle into Bella some more and finally, sleep takes over.

I'm slowly waking up and suddenly remembering where I am. I jump up with a start and see we are still in the safe room . When I went to sleep, I was hoping that we would wake up in our beds and that this would all be over but clearly not. Bella starts to stir so I go make her bottle and by the time I'm done she's wide awake and whiny.


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