Curse of Selene #1 - Rejecting the Mating Bond

Curse of Selene #1 - Rejecting the Mating Bond

Author:Anna Kendra



Curse of Selene #1 - Rejecting the Mating Bond: Flora Argentine is ReedStone pack’s little loner and glad to be so. Everyone ignores her existence but not because she’s some glasses bearing, baggy clothes wearing nerd, but because her elder brother is the beta of the pack and no one wants to be involved with her. But Flora is perfectly fine with everyone avoiding her as she makes her way towards her last year at the university and leads a simple life without any complications or hardships...or does she? Clay Scotsman is the most popular guy in town and the ladies love him, which isn’t a problem since he loves them right back. The future Alpha of the pack, he has the looks of a Greek God and is a smooth talking charmer who always gets what he wants...except for Flora Argentine. He’s been obsessed with Flora for a very long time, but he dismisses it as simple physical attraction until one day he decides to hell with it and comes after Flora with all the charm he can master. But once he’s had a taste of her, he finds it nearly impossible to let her go. But Clay and Flora both know that they’re not mates and are dreading the day of Clay’s 28th birthday when he ultimately finds his mate. Is he going to leave her forever for a bond decided upon by the Gods? Or is he going to reject his mate to be with the girl he loves more than life itself? And what will happen when Clay’s mate claims him as hers? *** Curse of Selene #2 - Healing the Rogue Alpha: No one can escape the Moon Goddesses wrath…and Clay and Flora had been no exception. Torn apart and their memories completely erased, Clay and Flora are now living separate lives, completely unaware of each other. But things have changed drastically. Clay is no longer the Alpha apparent to the ReedStone pack, but a Rogue Alpha, while Flora is at Lindersay, working as a healer and a worshipper of the Moon Goddess. But even though fate isn’t on their side, destiny has tied them together forever as they meet once again, but this time as enemies. Will Clay and Flora be able to go back to the way they were and fall in love all over again? Or will the power of the Moon Goddess prevail over their undying love?
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Flora’s P.O.V

I could feel his eyes on me, those gorgeous emerald green eyes that shore like diamonds when the light hit them just right. I could almost imagine him watching me through hooded lashes as dark copper coloured hair fell onto his forehead like a silken blanket. Sometimes, when I was alone at night, I wondered what it would feel like to run my fingers through those silken strands, to brush my fingers over those lips that could tempt the heavens itself to sin. But I kept those fantasies to myself. Because Clay Scotsman had a habit of tempting the female species into all kinds of sins before chewing them up and spitting them out the next morning.

But then again, those females he took to bed, humans and wolves alike; never once complained or got clingy. He had that effect on women, no matter the age. He always, always ended a relationship on the right footing. No hard feelings; no strings attached.

The tiny hair at my nape stood in attention as I felt his gaze on me once again. My hand tightened on my pen, but I knew better than to let myself get distracted. Clay was nothing if not the most dangerous of predators. He had the scent of the Alpha, would become our Alpha as soon as Alpha Nicolas retired. And we could all feel it, the time would come soon enough; but for now, he was acting as the Assistant Professor of Biology in my college, which was basically a side job aside from training to be an Alpha and training in battle tactics.

About five minutes later, I felt his gaze draw away from me and I chanced a look from underneath my lashes, only to be met by piercing emerald eyes that made me draw in a breath. Damn, but the guy was beautiful. No, not in a feminine way; those cheekbones, those lips, that would never be feminine, but there was no other word that I could find than beautiful for a man who was masculine beauty in its purest form.

Those lushly sensual lips curved up with a hint of a smile, as if reading my thoughts, and I instantly looked away and focused on the paper in front of me. Damn it! If this keeps up, I’m surely failing this test.

I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t missed him when he was away for the past ten years to train in Lindersay, the capital city for all wolves. All warrior wolves and future Alpha’s go there to train for their future responsibilities. It provides as a training facility and a school for powerful wolves. My older brother, Riley, had gone there along with Clay since they were the same age and my brother was the future beta of the pack. Clay had been handsome even then; at least that’s what everyone had thought about a lean muscled boy of eighteen on his way to adulthood. But now that boy had returned a man, and he was even more handsome than anyone could’ve predicted, devastatingly so.

I must’ve been too engrossed in my fascination with Clay Scotsman because the sudden sound of the bell ringing had me jumping a foot up in the air before I could stop myself. Controlling my breathing by placing my hand over my racing heart, I looked around me to ensure that no one had noticed my brief distraction, but everyone else seemed busy groaning over their test papers. Clay might distract everyone in the class with his beauty, but he was also a hardass Professor who conducted his class with utmost strictness and discipline. And he held extremely tough tests every week so that our minds remained sharp.

“Flora.” A single word cut through the indistinct murmurs in the class as my heart slammed against my ribcage.

“Yes?” I stood up on shaky legs, the nib of the pen digging into my palm as I stared into gemstone eyes. It was a miracle I hadn’t yet squeaked and made a fool of myself.

I couldn’t see the smirk on his face, but I was sure there was laughter hidden in his eyes as he took in my rigid shoulders, my extremely carefully crafted poker face. “Collect all papers and bring them to my office.” Clay spoke in a calm voice and then he picked up the rest of his stuff and walked out of the class.

As soon as the doors shut behind him, I was scrambling to get my belongings into my bag before rushing from student to student to collect their papers. Several of my classmates gave me exasperated sighs and dramatic looks while some women gave me envious glares as I took their papers, but no one spoke to me directly. They were too scared of my brother to bully me, which is one thing I had always been thankful for. Even when he was away at Lindersay, I was sure he had his spies in place just so they could watch over me. I’d never say it out loud, but I was really thankful for the small curtsey.

Stacking the papers together, I walked out of the classroom with my backpack slung over one shoulder and the papers in both hands, muttering a thank you to one boy who held the door open for me so I could walk out. The boy smiled back and waved goodbye before heading in the opposite direction.

A bit startled at the unexpected help, I continued walking down the familiar hallway to the staff room so I could deposit the papers and make a run for it. No matter how big of a crush I might have on Clay, I found him ten times more intimidating. His charm did nothing to hide the raw power pulsing through his veins.

Since my brother is the beta, I’m kinda used to having that brush of power against my senses, but as the pack’s future healer, I’ll need to be in his contact more often once I turn twenty-one and officially start practicing my healing.


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