In Between The Alphas

In Between The Alphas




Charlotte has always been the spare one. The second daughter, the invaluable one. She hasn't minded even though it hurts. It gives her the kind of freedom that her sister can only dream about. The freedom that has to be taken away when she is promised to the notorious Alpha Hunter. She won't do that not when she realizes she has a mate out there so she runs away. And where does she run? Straight into the arms of her mate? Logan has never really put that much thought into having a mate. Now that he does he will do anything to keep her safe even if battling a crazed and much older Alpha who wants to keep his mate for himself.
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“Father,” Liana said and he briefly glanced at her. “There was an argument in town today and I was able to calmly resolve it and there were no casualties at all.”

Liana is everyone’s definition of perfect with her high cheekbones and thin lips, perfectly slim body and of average height at 5’4 compared to my towering 5’9. Her slicked jet black hair stopped right above her shoulders and her eyes were a vile shade of green; almost like poison.

“At least you won’t be a totally useless Luna in future,” he said with a glance at Carmen and I saw her face fall.

I felt my heart clench in pity for Liana. She has tried so hard to get my father’s attention but he completely disregards her and as if she read my mind her eyes snapped up to mine and narrowed.

“Father did you know that Charlie is a bit fond of paint?” she asked with a snarl and my eyes widened.

“For the last time you will not call her by that ridiculous boy name,” he growled. “It is Charlotte.”

“Yes father.”

“Now what were you saying about paint?”

“Liana has taken a little liking to blue paint,” she began and I begged her with my eyes not to spill. “She even has some in her room.”

I am so upset that Liana would even think about telling father about the innocent paint splatter that’s on my wall. Well then, two can play at that game. I saw dad open his mouth to ask so I spoke before he could.

“How’s Frederick Lia?” her mouth tightened into a flat line. “Did you talk to him today?”

Frederick is Liana’s secret boyfriend. Father would flip if he knew she had a boyfriend; much less if he knew that Frederick is human.

“Who the hell is Frederick?” you could practically see the steam coming out of father’s ears as he whirled on Liana but she stayed quiet. “I asked you a question.”

He slammed his hand on the table so hard that his wine spilled all over Carmen making her jump.

“Who is Frederick Liana?” he asked and I saw her swallow deeply. I went too far; I have to fix this.

“Frederick is just her imaginary boyfriend father,” I said and I saw him turn to me. “She likes to imagine what her future would be like and she just used the name Frederick.”

He sat back in his chair and Carmen handed him another glass of wine.

“Dreaming about men,” he spat. “That shows how unfit you are to be Alpha.”

Liana shot me a hard look but I rolled my eyes at her. She should be thankful that I just saved her from a week’s worth of whipping.

The rest of dinner went by quietly, no one dared to even breathe too loud. As soon as we finished Liana and I jumped to our feet and started clearing the table.

“After you’re done with the dishes I want everyone in my office,” father said. “I have something important to discuss.”

“Yes father,” we said in unison and proceeded to clear the dishes.

When we got into the kitchen Liana grabbed my arm. “Never do something like that again.”

“Do what save your ass?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

“My ass wouldn’t need saving if it wasn’t for you.”

“You were the one who brought up the paint issue,” I scoffed. “Now you’re blaming me? You caused this Lia, not me.”

“You were over there looking so smug while father spoke to me like an imbecile.”

“How was I looking smug?”


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