Billionaire's Ex-Wife And His Hidden Babies

Billionaire's Ex-Wife And His Hidden Babies




Sophia Weasley decided to end her life after losing everything in her life, and she almost had said HELLO to the god when her sister-in-law saved her life by taking her to the hospital in time, and there, she found a new reason to live when the doctor told her about her pregnancy. Recalling all the pain that she suffered from her Ex-husband and also knowing that he had to do nothing with her or her babies, she decided to raise her babies on her own. Every time when her babies asked about their father, she made up a story because they were too small to understand the word ‘DIVORCE.’ It worked in the beginning, but as years went by, her white lies seemed to be playing out. Until one day, her babies decided to find their father on their own.
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Sophia’s POV


I was standing on the edge of the bridge to end my life. This was the place where everything had started a few years ago, and this would be the place where everything would end.

I wish I would have killed myself on the very same night before meeting him.

Only if I would never meet him, all these things would have been with my family members or with me.

I sobbed and looked down at the river.

I didn’t know how to swim, so I was hopeful that I would definitely die by drowning in it.

“Sophia.” I heard my name being called, and I already knew the person who was calling me. Well, that’s my brother, Oliver's girlfriend, Rebecca V. Cornell, and I’m … Nevermind. Soon, going to be a dead person, I guess.


How did she find me?

That reminded me that I didn’t have much time with me. I wasted not a single second more and jumped from there.

“Sophiaaa,” She yelled my name again, but by that time, I was already in the air, and after waiting for a while, I landed in the river. The wave in the river was too high, and my body started flowing with the water, and in the next waves, I started drowning already. I felt my consciousness giving up. I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t breathe. My lungs were filled with water.


I heard the sound of a machine beeping around me.

Was this the sound after death? I wondered and tried to open my eyes. And the moment I did, I saw a white ceiling and too much light in the room.

‘I think I was in heaven.’

Yes, that could be the case because I didn’t remember doing any evil deeds to go the hell. Thinking about all this, I opened my eyes again, adjusting my eyes as per the light, and looked first at the ceiling and then rotated my to look around. I almost stopped breathing when my eyes landed on my raging brother, Oliver, and Rebecca, who was sleeping on the couch beside him.

Oh! No! No! No! No!

This was not at all heaven.

And seeing the angry face of my brother, I knew I was in living hell. I was so dead. My body trembled in fear, and I sat on the bed, ready to run away if I had to because he was damn too pissed. He stood on his feet abruptly, not caring his girlfriend was sleeping. Because of the moment, Rebecca quickly opened her eyes, sensing movement around her.

“Oli, I can explain …..Ahh!” I placed my hand on my cheek when he slapped as hard as he hit across my face.

“Liv!” Rebecca yelled and ran toward us, and the next moment she was standing between him and me as a barrier. “She is your sister.”, She reminded him as if he had forgotten this fact in anger. Generally, my brother is not a violent person. In fact, this was the first time he had raised his hand to me.

“What the hell was she thinking when she decided to end her life?” he shouted, and I hid my face behind Rebecca so that she could protect me from his wrath. “Answer me, damn it.”, he demanded, and he didn’t look in a mood to leave me without getting his answers.

“I thought he killed you too.”, I muttered in a low tone.

Everyone here knew whom I was referring to by mentioning ‘HE’ over here.

Hearing my answer, he sighed and peeked to see his expression and found that he was now not at all angry at me. In fact, he was mad at HIM.

Rebecca stepped aside and let us rebound our relationship. Oliver sat on the bed beside me and touched my cheek softly, and I bit my inner cheek not to hiss in pain.

“Did I slap you hard?” he asked, caressing my cheek.


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