My Best Friend Dad Is My Second Chance Mate

My Best Friend Dad Is My Second Chance Mate




Vanessa, an omega in the Blood Moon Pack, suffered a devastating blow when the Alpha's son spurned her in favor of another. Seeking solace elsewhere, she eventually returns to her pack, only to be greeted by tragedy: the untimely passing of the beloved Luna, the woman who raised her. In the midst of grief and upheaval, Vanessa’s world is further rocked when she discovers she's been chosen as the Alpha's second chance mate. Alpha Alexander, grappling with unexpected emotions and the significant age gap between them, struggles to come to terms with this twist of fate—especially considering Vanessa was once rejected by his own son. As tensions rise and emotions run high, Alpha Alexander’s conflicted feelings lead him to make a rash decision: to punish Vanessa for a drunken mistake made in the heat of the moment. But as the lines blur between duty, desire, and resentment, both Vanessa and Alpha Alexander find themselves on a collision course with destiny.
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Vanessa’s POV

I never paid much attention to not fitting in with the pack; after all, my mother always assured me that one day I'd find my mate and leave. Whenever she catches me lost in thought, she reminds me of this, her words a comforting mantra in the face of rejection.

I've never understood why they dislike me, but it's never bothered me much.

Today marks my eighteenth birthday, and the Alpha and Luna have taken it upon themselves to celebrate in their grand mansion. As the pack gathers around, grinning and singing the birthday song, I watch from the sidelines, a silent observer amidst the joyful chaos. Some capture the moment with their phones, preserving the memory for posterity. I'm aware that most of them only tolerate me because I'm the Beta's daughter and have a good relationship with the Alpha's family. And let's not forget, Alfie, the Alpha's only son, and his twin sister, Amelia, are my best friends. It's almost as if they're compelled to befriend me too.

Alfie and Amelia often tell me to ignore the pack's opinion of me. According to them, the rest of the pack has nothing better to do than make my life miserable simply because I'm their friend.

While their reasoning seems plausible, I'm not naïve enough to believe they hate me solely because I'm close to the Alpha's children. The real reason, I suspect, is because I still haven't shifted into my wolf form, even though it usually happens by the age of sixteen. My mother insists I be patient, assuring me that good things are coming, but deep down, I can't shake the feeling that the pack resents me for it.

But enough of that – today is my birthday, and I'm hoping I would finally unlock my wolf and find my mate. Despite my longing to leave the pack, a part of me secretly hoped that Alfie, my best friend and confidant, would be the one. He understood me like no one else and had always been there for me.

"Happy birthday, Nessa," Luna Frida warm voice broke through my thoughts as she kissed my cheek, exchanging a playful cake-filled gesture. Grateful for her kindness, I beamed at her, knowing she had something special in store for me.

True to her word, Luna Frida hinted at a surprise gift awaiting me after the celebrations. She radiated kindness and warmth, much like her children, Alfie and Amelia. Rumor had it that she had chosen Alpha Alexander as her mate after reaching thirty without finding her own, a decision he gladly accepted despite their significant age difference.

As the festivities continued, Alpha Alexander presented me with a gift wrapped in my favorite color. His affectionate gesture touched me deeply, reminding me of the bond we shared despite his authoritative role in the pack.

After the exchange of gifts and well-wishes, the festivities continued with classmates offering their presents, albeit with forced smiles. However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly when a wave of dizziness swept over me, sharpening my senses and stirring a primal instinct I couldn't comprehend.

The sudden commotion drew attention, with the Alpha's urgent warning ringing in my ears as my father and mother reacted with a mix of concern and anticipation. Ignoring their attempts to approach me, a growl escaped my throat as I fled to the solitude of the woods behind the mansion.

Tears blurred my vision as I sought refuge among the trees, the weight of the unknown pressing down on me. With my knees drawn to my chest, I attempted to soothe the turmoil within, feeling the strange sensation ebb away as swiftly as it had emerged. Despite the relief, a lingering unease remained, signaling that my journey was far from over.

As I sat there, grappling with the newfound clarity of my senses, a voice gently whispered within me, addressing me by name. Startled, I glanced around, but found no physical presence.

"I am your wolf, silly. My name is Evie," the voice echoed in my mind, a feminine warmth accompanying its words.

My initial shock gave way to a blush of embarrassment, followed by an incredulous laugh. A wolf? Me? It seemed preposterous, yet there was undeniable truth in Evie's words.

"Why am I not in wolf form?" I pondered aloud, unable to contain my curiosity.


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